Rev. Dr. Carol Miles

Transitional Pastor / Head of Staff
On July 30 we welcomed our new transitional pastor, Rev. Dr. Carol Antablin Miles. Rev. Carol is not new to our church. She has been serving as a coach and mentor to the Transition Ministry Partners for the past year. Carol thinks of herself primarily as a teacher and loves helping congregations grow in their faith and understanding of who God is and what it means to live as people of God. She is excited to have joined the pastoral staff at FPCC and looks forward to getting to know everyone.

Darryl McCollum, CLP; DeVonn Stamos, CLP; Rebecca Chase, CLP; Lisa Justice
Transition Ministry Partners
CLPs (Commissioned Lay Pastors, or CREs, Commissioned Ruling Elders) are lay ministers who have undergone special training and been ordained to serve in pastoral roles in their congregations. Darryl, DeVonn, and Rebecca are all ordained CLPs at FPCC. Lisa is currently attending seminary. Together their complementary gifts and strengths make for a mighty ministry team!

Andrew Cardiasmenos
Director of Music & Worship
Since childhood Andrew has sung in choirs, played piano, and composed music. He received a Bachelor of Music Composition in Wisconsin and a Master of Education in Chicago and began directing church choirs and leading hymns. Andrew also teaches high school French and enjoys spending time with his wife, Jessie, and his 6-year-old son, Blake.
Robin Stearns
Beginnings and Beyond Montessori Preschool Director
Robin relaunched FPCC's Preschool with a Christian Montessori program in August 2011, and now oversees 35+ children ranging from 2-5 years. Robin graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2003 with a degree in Liberal and Civic Studies and a minor in Montessori Thought, a certificate in Early Childhood Education. She is an active church member and lay leader having served as an elder and Clerk of Session for three years.