Read the opening message from Pastor Johanna below or click here to download a PDF of the full edition from FPCC’s website.
At our February session meeting, we did a Bible study on 1 Corinthians 14:1-12, the section of the letter in which Paul basically says, speaking in tongues is not as great a thing as you Corinthians seem to think it is!
No one knows what you mean when you do this. You are like a bugle whose sounds are so indistinct no one hearing them realizes they’re supposed to be getting ready for battle. Or a flute whose song no one can recognize. You may be building yourself up, but you aren’t doing anyone else in the church any favors. According to Paul, it would be far better for the church if everyone were to focus on prophesying, as those who prophesy speak intelligibly, again according to Paul, and for the benefit of other people: to build them up, encourage and console them. Now, I want to assure you – my purpose in having session talk about this passage was not to emphasize to them the importance of speaking intelligibly, as if this were a problem for them. We have a great session at this church, full of thoughtful, articulate people. Rather, I wanted us to consider some of the themes we might touch upon during a Leadership Retreat focused on Communication. I wanted us to see that scripture has a lot to teach us about what it means to do communication well and also poorly. I also wanted us to consider whether it would be valuable for us a leadership team to do some skill building around communication, e.g., brushing up on things like active listening, while also learning new skills, like how we as leaders can amplify our church’s social media messaging. It was a great conversation with session – as always! – and the decision was made to go with Communication as this year’s theme at the Leadership Retreat. I look forward to seeing FPCC’s leaders there! Pastor Johanna McCune Wagner |